
19 Nor Prohormones Explained

Video Transcription:


Hey guys, this is Jordan and Jeff from We're continuing with our series on single compound prohormones, and in today's video we're going to be covering 19Nor. 19Nor is one of our most popular stacking prohormone compounds. It's known for building some solid lean mass. I kind of look at it as a step-down from the 4-Andro because that's a little bit wetter.




This still gives you that mass that you want, but it's a little bit drier. But people stack it with 1-Testosterone. They stack it with 4-Andros. They stack it with almost everything.


You can essentially stack with absolutely anything.


Yeah, and it's actually, though we don't promote it, it's one of the compounds that women often take a lot.




Because it is a little bit of a softer compound.




Especially like the DecaBolin-


That's it, yeah.


... or the Osta-Plex.


The DecaBolin and the Osta-Plex are the two main one that women consume.


Yes. So like our other videos, I brought Jordan aboard here. He's very popular on the prohormone shows that we do, but he's going to kind break down these products and what 19Nor is and does.


Yeah, so the 19Nor, commonly known as nandrolone is what it converts to in the body. Again, as Jeff mentioned, it's called the stacking prohormone. It's not something that you want to take on its own. It's not really going to be very beneficial unless you have some sort of testosterone base. So 1-Andros, 4-Andros, it all depends on what you're looking to do. I normally recommend, whether you're cutting or bulking, and you just want something else to go with it. The 19Nors are fantastic to add to any of those stacks.

When it comes to leaning, kind of like a lean bulk, I mean even a cut, two of the main products I normally recommend are the DecaBolin and the Osta-Plex. DecaBolin is a 75-milligram dose of the decanoate version. So it's quicker acting, not the quickest form. It's a quicker acting that you take twice per day, so you get 150 milligrams. Those stack good with 1-Andros along with an Epiandro if you're looking to lean out.

Osta-Plex, it's a little bit more of a milder version. This you actually get 50 milligrams of the, actually the enanthate, which is a much actually faster version and along with the eucommia that's in there. So eucommia is a natural anabolic, help you build a little bit more of a lean muscle mass. Kind of in the same family of the Androdiol and the 1-AD that adds the laxogenin in there. They add some sort of a plant-based anabolic to help out with some leaning out.

When it comes to cutting, Trenabol is the one that I normally recommend. So this, not so much that it's known as a cutter, because when you think of cutting, you think of things like Epiandros like dexamethasone, Winstrol. But Trenabol is actually the quickest form of basically the 19, the nanjalone. So that's going to help actually reduce water retention, shred you up a little bit, and if you're someone who's really looking to lean out really fast, you can actually put this with something like 1-Testosterone, Winstrol, and you can throw in the Trenabol. And them two is kind of like an ultimate leaning snack.

Now, when it comes to bulking, normally what I recommend is the Deca-Durabolin, and that's because you get 200 milligrams per one tablet per day of the 19Nor, the nandrolone. So that's going to go good, again, because it's such a high dose with any of your 4-Andros. Sucanon is one that I commonly stack it with customers.


That's a powerful stack right there.


Yeah, pretty strong stack. Androdiol, Superdrol, Andriol, I mean pretty much any 4-Andro you can stack it with and that's kind of the end of the basics. So strongest, next, Osta-Plex, and then Trenabol, kind of what you're looking for. You go from bulking to lean bulk to lean mass to cutting. That's kind of how the strength goes.


And I would agree, yeah. Yeah, Deca-Durabolin, I've used that quite a few times during my fall. Kind of bulks and everything. It's always worked well. Another thing that we want to point out, some people have noticed libido issues with the Deca-Durabolin.




It's mainly when they're taking it alone though, I believe.


Yes, that is common thing. It's well known that with real DecaBolin, that's definitely an issue. So that's why we always recommend a testosterone base. So if you picked up a bottle of Deca-Durabolin, DecaBolin, Osta-Plex, and you're taking that on its own and you're having those side effects, you need to pick up some form of testosterone. Whether it's... I would do a liquid one test, that would be the one that I would go for. If you want something less, go with the 1-AD or the Chosen1. But you definitely don't want to take this alone.


Yeah. Yep, that's why they recommended to stack them. So, all right guys, that is an in-depth look at 19Nor. If you do have any more questions about the compound or any of these products we talked about, what to stack with them, please post them down below. We're always here to answer those questions and we answer them pretty quickly.




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Jun 20th 2024

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