Andriol Review from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals We Answer Your Questions!
Video Transcripts:
Hey guys, this is Jeff and Jordan from Best Price Nutrition. Today we're excited to announce a brand new prohormone from Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals called Andriol. Not to confuse with Androdiol, which we have been confusing it with. But this is their brand new 4-andro bulking prohormone and we don't even have it yet. It's going to be here in the next week, but you can kind of see the label right there. So just was announced today. So of course, I brought Jordan in, who you probably have seen Jordan in a lot of our live videos that we do every few months, but he's kind of an all-around expert on prohormones and supplements and everything, so brought him here to kind of explain what this compound is, who it's for, and how it's different from everything else.
Okay. So for those of you who don't remember, last year, Hi-Tech dropped the Deca-Durabolin, which was a heightened form of the DecaBolin, which had been out for years.
Amazing product.
Yes. So this is essentially the same concept. This is a stronger form of the Androdiol, which has been out for a really long time. The ingredients in here is the, you're going to see 158 milligrams of the Androst-4-en-3B-ol-17-one Undecanoate. It's a 4-andro. It's essentially just a 4-andro, but it's an Undecanoate version. Undecanoate is the longest-lasting esther basically of all the prohormones, testosterone, et cetera, so it's going to stay in your body a lot longer than, let's just say the Androdiol or something with an enanthate, something like that. It is extremely long-lasting. You only really, I mean, I think ingredients-wise, suggest a day-
One tablet per day, right?
It's just one per day.
Kind of like the Deca-Durabolin you were talking about is a once per day.
Exactly, yes. So this essentially, I mean, it's 4-andros convert the body to pure testosterone. This is actually essentially an oral form of just like a TRT, like testosterone. So I'm excited about this product. I think it's going to be really cool, and I'm excited to see the results that people are going to get. Now, what could you stack with it? 1-Tes. We'd essentially stack it with 1-Tes.
So that'd be kind of a leaner bulk, I guess you could say?
Yes. You could even stack it with 1-Tes and DecaBolin or Deca-Durabolin.
I mean, I personally like the Andriol and the Deca-Durabolin because that seems like it really, if you're trying to bulk up and put on some mass, you only have to take one of each per day, too.
So that'd be nice, too, especially because some of the other ones, you have to take two or three.
We get calls all the time. It's like, okay, I got to take three of this, two of this, when do I take it? So taking one of those each makes it a lot easier.
So this product can be really great for elevating your testosterone levels. It's the enhanced absorption through the SEDDS delivery.
And this new SEDDS delivery, we were kind of talking about it with John earlier. So what's the benefit of the SEDDS delivery?
So essentially, I believe it helps with something that's...
Water-soluble, right?
Water-soluble, yeah. So it uptakes the nutrients within the product. But no, this will be a really great, not overall I'm trying to gain as much muscle as possible, but if you're trying to put on some good size, this would be a really good product. And I would say probably the Deca-Durabolin might be the best side product that could go with it. But overall, I mean, this is something that's going to be really exciting. Now it does say one per day, nothing about taking two per day so we don't know much about that as of yet.
We'll know a little bit more once the bottle comes out, which we should have next week. Just like the other prohormones, maxed out at eight weeks. I'm guessing it's going to be probably another two-bottle regimen of the Andriol. PCT-wise, Arimiplex. Always recommend it. Eight weeks on this, then 30 days or one month on the PCT. What do you think about a cycled support product? It is a 4-andro.
Yeah, it is 4-andro, so there is always the possibility that you might hold a little bit more water so I would always recommend picking a bottle of Arimistane just to have that estrogen blocker within your stack.
Okay, perfect. And again, males only. Be 21 or be 21 and over. And it's probably going to work better the older you are. And if you're taking any other types of prescriptions or anything, always best to consult your physician. These are just our opinions and kind of what we're reading off the bottle. So we're going to have a lot more information about this product once people start using it and everything but again, it's brand new. But if you do have questions, which I'm certain you will, post them down below. John and I and Jordan are always there to answer those questions. We will try to answer any way we can.
And again, it's on pre-order right now, so you can go and pre-order it and be one of the first ones to get it. We're estimating shipping around April 11th, 12th?
So about a week. You may be watching this video and that date's already gone by, so you can just order it and we'll ship it out. But yeah guys, so you can get it at We're here to answer any questions. And yeah, if you like this video, please give us a thumbs up. And lastly, if you want more videos like this, just hit that little subscribe bell and you'll get notified every time we do a new video. Thank you for watching.
See you.
Hey, guys. This is Jordan and Jeff from Best Price Nutrition. We're back again to talk about Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals' Andriol, which I was told it was Andriol. We thought it was Andriol.
Andriol, something like that.
We're not totally, 100% sure, but we spoke with Hi-Tech over the weekend. This product was just released, so we wanted to give some additional information that we found out. You guys posted a lot of questions from our last video, which we'll post down below. And I got Jordan here, of course. He's one of the experts here during our live prohormone shows. So some of the questions that we got over the weekends was one of them being, "How does this compare to Androdiol?" And we spoke about it is stronger.
Yeah, yeah.
I think they said it was three times as strong.
Yes, yes.
So in that case, what would your recommendation be, Androdiol versus Andriol?
So Androdiol would be more of a shorter time eight-week cycle or someone who's never taken prohormones before. It's more of like a... Which Andriol could be a beginner's, but Androdiol is a lower dose, plus you get the Laxogenin there, so you get a natural anabolic. So probably more of a beginner's, or, "I'm worried about every single thing that possibly could happen. So I just want to take something that has minimal side effects." Androdiol would be something that would probably be my recommendation for you.
Okay, perfect. The other question that some of you guys posted was Sustanon 250 versus the new Andriol. And talking to Hi-Tech, it seemed like they still thought for a short-term use that the Sustanon 250 is still probably the strongest.
And we've talked about that before, it's a huge mass building one.
Yeah, absolutely.
And why is Sustanon 250 so good?
Because it has such a high dose of the 4-Andros. One of the highest dose 4-Andros can be much more crucial for putting on size, mass, weight, et cetera, strength. That's why we call that one the strongest prohormone.
Okay, gotcha. And the difference was that now, Andriol is very strong as well, especially they did say, even on the bottle it says, I think one per day for up to 60 days. Well, it doesn't say up to 60 days, but that'll last you 60 days.
Yes, yes.
And that is the minimal dose. According to Hi-Tech, though, you can take two per day, which is going to really have a big dose in there, which would require two bottles then, of course. But the interesting thing is, when talking to Hi-Tech, that unlike all the other prohormones, this one can be used for longer periods of time. So why would somebody want to take this for longer periods of time?
Well, it brings us back to the previous video, where I stated this is very similar to an oral TRT. You guys who are on TRT are on it for long periods of time. Some of them might do 8 weeks, 10 weeks. They might do several months in a row and taking a break. That's why this one is very similar to that oral TRT, because you can be on it for longer periods of time, or something like the Sustanon, it's got to be that eight-week cycle followed by a post-cycle. So we were talking to Hi-Tech, and they kind of... What? Six months might be a decent one that you can be on.
Yeah, you could. It'd be a great example.
You still need to follow up with post-cycle. Post-cycle is crucial for everything. But you could necessarily be on this for up to six months, take a month off, and then possibly jump back on after a few weeks.
Yep. Yeah. So this could be an alternative to TRT if you don't like injectables. Now, this is just our opinion. Please talk with your doctor first, okay?
But it could be an alternative to try before going on TRT, the injectable route, from there, which requires a prescription and everything, and this doesn't. So that does actually make it pretty cool. We also talked to them about the SEDD technology. They said it's very similar to their Cyclosome technology. They just decided to use SEDD in this case. But again, that makes the product a lot more bioavailable to the body.
It's up to 99% more bioavailable. So you are going to absorb what is in the tablet. Your stomach is not going to destroy it. That protective coating around it will help you enhance the absorption, so you get what's actually on the bottle.
Yeah. So that's a reason why you want to take a product by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals rather some of these third-party products, which we've ripped on in the past.
We have no idea where it's coming from. Yeah.
Yes. Not only do you get the compounds, but you get them bioavailable as well. So lastly, I think we should... Though we covered it in the first one, estrogen blockers, Arimistane, is that something you'd recommend for this product?
Definitely something I would recommend. You don't have to take it on cycle every single day, but I would still pick up a bottle of Arimistane. Because again, people who do take testosterone, they also always have on hand an estrogen blocker, a pharmaceutical-grade one. So I would have a bottle of Arimistane available just in case you start experiencing water retention, increased acne, mood swings, things like that. Just giving you some ideas of what higher estrogen side effects feel like, I would just have it on hand and take it as necessary. You don't have to take it every day.
Okay. All right. Excellent. Thank you, Jordan.
Yeah, absolutely.
I think this has given... We tried to go through all the questions that we got over the weekend. We got a ton of emails on this product. That's why we wanted to talk with Hi-Tech this morning, which we did, and we want to get this new video released to you. So again, hopefully that explains a lot of the confusion that was out there with this new product. Again, it's April... What is it? It's the day of the eclipse. Eighth, right?
Speaker 3:
Eighth, yeah.
We should have it the 11th through the 12th, I'm guessing. If it's past that date, we already got it in stock, but you can pre-order it now. So yes. So if you have any other questions, which I'm sure you will, post them down below. We will try to answer as many as we can. Otherwise, go to You can purchase this product. Give us a thumbs up if you love this video. And if you want more like this, please hit that Subscribe button. Thank you. And until the next video.
†The content of this blog post is intended solely for reference and entertainment purposes. We do not offer medical advice or specific guidance regarding the products discussed. Our insights are based on a combination of anecdotal experiences, online studies/reviews, manufacturer details, and customer feedback. While we strive to present accurate and current information, we cannot assure its completeness or its alignment with the most recent product formulations or data. For any concerns or up-to-date information, we recommend visiting the manufacturer's website directly. The opinions and information provided here do not necessarily reflect the views of Best Price Nutrition; they represent the perspectives and information from the manufacturers and users. Furthermore, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.
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