
Apollon Nutrition Desperado Budget Friendly Daily Driver Preworkout

Video Transcription:


Hey guys, this is Jordan and Jeff from Today we are going to be reviewing Apollon Nutrition's Desperado. Not to be confused with the Eagle's song.


I didn't even know what it was.


Jordan thought was Despacito.


Despacito. Yes.


Yes. Shows you how young these guys are these days. So this is from Apollon Nutrition. This is a pre-workout, which they call a more daily, less expensive pre-workout than a lot that are on the market these days.




And when we say less expensive, you think, "Okay, it's going to have nothing in it." This thing is still-


It's pretty packed.


... packed with ingredients. If you watched our video on F Mediocre, this is a toned down version of it.




Not too much toned down, but that one's got 800 milligrams of caffeine.




This one is slightly less than that, but it's still packed with ingredients, everything that you're going to want in a pre-workout.

So the flavors that we have are peach-orange, mango-raspberry.


I think blue lemonade.


Blue lemonade, blue raspberry lemonade. So you got a few flavors to choose from, but definitely it's still very strong. So a full scoop, I think we're going to be talking about a full scoop.




You may want to start with a half scoop if you're new, or you can just go full fledge into the full scoop. So like all our other videos, we're going to go through the ingredients in here starting with energy. Everybody's favorites.




So we've got 275 milligrams of caffeine anhydrous. Everybody knows what caffeine is. You got the dicaffeine malate at a 100 milligrams, which is a combination of caffeine and malic acid. More of a sustained release and stops the potential for a crash after your pre-workouts over with. So 375 milligrams of caffeine right there. It's a heavy dose.


Mm-hmm. It really is.


Yeah. And then you got the theobromine, I need some caffeine here, at 300 milligrams. Now, this is a milder stimulant. You may know it's found in chocolate, boosts your mood. It gives you a little boost of sustained energy, as well. So a nice good combination of three different ingredients for energy.


All right.


Next focus.


Yeah, so everybody loves focus when they're pre-workouts, helps you get real dialed into your workout. So the first one we have is L-Tyrosine at 2,000 milligrams, which is a really hefty dose. It improves cognitive function, mental clarity, focus, all that good stuff. Then they add 250 milligrams of acetylcholine, which again, acts very similar to the tyrosine where it's a mental clarity, cognitive function. Gives you that euphoric feeling so you really get your mindset right when you are working out so you are completely dialed in.


Exactly. That's all we want. So we got the energy, we got the focus. Now, we want the pumps.




So with the pumps, we're going to get 8,000 milligrams of pure citruline. Not the malate, but pure citruline. This is a hefty dose of citruline. Of course, it's going to increase pumps, increase vascularity. Also provide a little bit of endurance, but great amount of citruline in the product. Next we got the arginine nitrates as NO3-T. And this is a combination of arginine and nitrates. Again, to increase nitric oxide levels. Give you the better blood flow, give you the better muscle pumps, everything that we want. So you get 3,000 milligrams there. Next is the beta alanine. This is going to offer lactic acid in your muscles, going to help you bust out a couple more reps, a couple more exercises before it feels that burning. It's also the reason for the tingles.




Which if you watch the show, we know John hates those. So 3,200 milligrams there. Now, we got betaine anhydrous. Again, one of my favorites. Increases muscle output, just overall power, overall endurance. I used to recommend it to CrossFitters a lot for all their heavier lifts. And lastly, a big 500 milligram dose of Himalayan pink salt. We talked about before, we used to put the salt in our pre-workouts just because it's just great for electrolyte balance. But what I used before was vascularity.


Yeah. It really helps with that.


I go drink and I used to drink beer, put some salt in the beer, very vascular during those summer parties. Just a tip for you. We got a few more ingredients here.


Yeah. So we have just the additional part, which is the estrogen, which everybody knows, just helps with taking the absorption of the ingredients. And they throw 195 milligrams of sodium in there. Obviously, sodium salt will also help with up taking the hydration, the nutrients, and helping with the blood flow, as well.


Yeah. So yeah, guys, so those are all the ingredients. Even though we say it's a more budget friendly than [inaudible 00:04:50] it's not budget friendly on the ingredients.


No, not at all.


It's a lot better than most of the [inaudible 00:04:57]-


Yeah. It's a fully clinically dosed pre-workout.


Yeah, exactly. So guys, so that's everything on Apollon Nutrition's Desperado. If you do have questions about it, please post them down below. John and I are always here to answer those questions. If you enjoy this video, please give us a thumbs up. That always helps. And lastly, if you'd like more videos like this, hit that subscribe button. You'll be notified every time that we do a new video. Thank you for watching.

Jun 25th 2024

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