
Does Masturbation Cause Weight Loss?

Does Masturbation Cause Weight Loss?

Historically masturbation has gotten a bad rap, some people think its dirty or shameful, and maybe your grandma even told you it would make you go blind. Masturbation however has a number of benefits to both our mental and physical health for both men and women including relief of stress and tension, improved sleep, pain relief, improved sexual function and for men even improved prostate health. In today's post however we're going to be examining whether masturbation can help support weight loss and whether masturbation can actually help you lose weight.

There seems to be a myth going around on the internet that masturbation actually can cause you to lose weight, but is it true? The answer to that is both yes and no. Maturbation itself is not a direct method for losing wewight, though it does burn a small amount of calories as does any physical activity. Unless your running or jogging while masturbating however, it's probably not going to lead to significant weight loss. That said in a more roundabout way masturbation may be able to help support you in your weight loss goals.

Weight loss is primarily influenced by your calorie consumption ie calories in vs calories out. How many calories are you expending through physical activity and other bodily functions and how many calories are you consuming from your diet. That said masturbation may indirectly contribute to your overall wellbeing and therefore weight loss. For example stress causes many people to overeat. We discussed earlier how masturbation can improve stress and mood. If you're masturbating and eliminating stres from your life it could cause you not to overeat or stress eat. Masturbation can also help boost your mood and people with a more positive outlook and mindset are more likely to eat heatlhy, to workout and to take care of their bodies. We also discussed earlier how masturbation can improve your quality of sleep, low quality sleep can also be a reason for weight gain, so again, while masturbation doesn't directly contribute to weight loss, there may be other benefits to your health and wellbeing from masturbating which could positively affect your weight loss goals as as well.

Aug 2nd 2023 John Frigo
John Frigo
John has been helping people in the fitness and nutrition industry for over 10 years. He is an avid biker, hiker and fitness enthusiast. Most notably, you can find him on Youtube instructing viewers about the newest products to hit the supplement industry.
John Frigo

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