
Enhanced Top T Testosterone Booster

Video Transcription:


Hey guys, John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. You can check out the website at And in today's video, we're going to be taking a look at an Enhanced supplements product called Top T. They've got a couple great fat burners. They got the Blue Ox, the Black Ox, and-


SLIN. Yep. That's a very popular one.


... SLIN, really, really popular fat burner. If you're not familiar with the brand, check them out. People love their supplements.


Yeah, they seem to be, and their ingredient profiles are really good, the products that they release. They're not well known out there.


Great supplements, but kind of a lesser known name. And I've taken their Black Ox and Blue Ox, both awesome test boosters.


Yeah. So today we're going to go with the Top T, which is a very comprehensive natural testosterone formula. For those, if you're looking to boost testosterone levels, you're feeling kind of low or you may be getting older and you just want something extra and you don't want to go the prohormone route, Top T is an excellent alternative for you.


I say most of those are kind of primarily test boosters, but also got some muscle building ingredients in here as well.


Yeah. So we're going to go through these ingredients, guys, and there's 16 total, so stay with us. We'll go pretty quick here. But first ingredient is vitamin D3. You get 125 micrograms. This does support testosterone, but overall it just makes you feel good. If you're not taking this, you should be taking vitamin D every day. Next one is magnesium. This also plays a role in testosterone synthesis and overall muscle function. It's also good for relaxation and to fight stress and everything, and less stress you have in life, the more testosterone you're going to have. Next is selenium. This is another one that supports testosterone production, and even sperm health it's been shown to help as well. So that has 200 micrograms in it. Next: zinc, 20 milligrams. This is something you and I both take, I think separately. This is just an essential thing for testosterone production. You want to make sure you're getting enough zinc every day in your diet. Sometimes multivitamins will have it. I take 25 milligrams, but this has 20 milligrams, so that's a great compound to be included here.


Okay. And next, I notice on my list I left off the ingredient names-


Oh, okay.


... so might be a little slow here. But first we got Fadogia agrestis, we got 500 milligrams. Really popular ingredient that's become really popular in the past couple years. ALLMAX just put out a stand-alone, people love the Hi-Tech stand-alone, Testosterone 21, one of our top-selling test boosters has it in there. So we got 500 milligrams of Fadogia. Next we got 300 milligrams of ashwagandha. Ashwagandha is a adaptogenic herb, helps the body's stress response and is known to boost testosterone and it reduces stress to help maintain healthy testosterone levels-


Love that ingredient.


After that, we got EndoFlo, which is actually a patented branded ingredient. This one is a blend of herb extracts and it supports blood flow and sexual health. And then we got Epimedium extract, which is also known as Horny Goat. That's an ingredient that's really popular right now.


Yeah, exactly.


We recently got some Horny Goat Weed gummies in here.


Yes, we did. Yep.


And just one thing I'm noticing about this: awesome formula, a lot of ingredients that a lot of test boosters leave out here as we're going through. Dosages are a little bit lower than some other products, but still within the clinical range.


Yeah, I would imagine some of those, like the ashwagandha is normally around 600 milligrams?


600, yeah.


The pills would probably be double the size. You'd have to take eight, I'm imagining for some of this, but still a very comprehensive blend. Next one is Tongkat Ali. Of course, this is an herb that we've talked about before. Increases sexual function, helps with testosterone levels. Hi-Tech's got their own Tongkat Ali. It's part of Testosterone 21 as well.


Probably the number one natural test booster ingredient.


Oh yeah, definitely. And next is Shilajit extract, 200 milligrams. This is another one, a great one for testosterone production and libido. We've talked about Hi-Tech's version before. You're a big fan of Shilajit.


Yeah. Really good for energy levels too.


Yep, there you go. Maca roots, we've talked about this one quite a bit. This increases testosterone and helps boost libido. We just talked about some gummies.


Yep. For Black Maca Gummies. Yep.


Yep, exactly. So that's a plant. So you get 200 milligrams there. And the safed musli is another compound again for testosterone production and libido. So four more great ones.


Okay, then let's see, we left off at... We got ProtoTest, which is a patented branded version of tribulus terrestris. That and fenugreek, two of the other probably most popular, most common test-boosting ingredients behind Tongkat. Boosts testosterone and improves libido. We got 100 milligrams of DHEA, which is a hormone precursor, can boost testosterone levels, helps regulate test levels and improves energy. We don't see this one, but I'm a big fan of DIM. DIM helps regulate hormone levels. It's a compound found in... I can never say that word, cruciferous vegetables and helps balance estrogen and test levels.


Estrogen is a big thing right there. That's what a lot of people take it for. Yep.


And then last, boron, this is another one that a lot of test boosters leave out, and a lot of times I'll take the Life Extension Boron with whatever test booster I'm taking. We got five milligrams. It's a trace mineral and it supports testosterone production and improves bone health.


Yeah. So overall, like we said, this is a great comprehensive formula. Dosage is lower than some of the stuff.


Still within the clinical range for everything.


Exactly. But any other product, you're not going to get this many compounds in it. So again, if you're an individual that's kind of feeling down, depressed, not very energetic, and you may think it's lower testosterone levels or as you just grow older, before hopping on TRT or a prohormone, something like Enhanced Top T is a great alternative to try first.


We talked to a lot of customers who they're curious about prohormones, but maybe are confused how to take them, scared to take them, want to try something natural first. A good test, natural test booster and a natural muscle builder are a pretty good combo.


Yep. So guys, hope you enjoy this video. If you have any questions about this product, just post them down below. John and I are always here to answer those questions. And of course, if you enjoy this video, please give us a thumbs up. That always helps us. And lastly, if you want more videos like this on product reviews, just hit that button to subscribe and you'll be notified every time we do a new video. Thank you for watching, guys.

Jun 14th 2024

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