
Epiandro (EPI) Prohormones Explained

Video Transcription:


Hey guys, this is Jordan and Jeff from, and we're continuing with our series of single Pro Hormone compounds, and in today's video we're going to be covering Epiandro. If you've never heard of Epiandro, it's very popular for of course cutting, shredding, that dry look and some very good increases in strength.


Yeah, absolutely.


Most people take it, if you're like me during the spring season or summer. It's a popular compound to stack along with 1-ANDRO which we also have another video about. But I did bring Jordan aboard here for this video to do a little bit more of a deep dive into what Epiandro is and to cover our three most popular Epiandro pro hormones.


Yeah, Awesome. So yeah, we have three main products when it comes to Epiandro. So it's essentially Epiandros, again, like Jeff mentioned, it's your leaning compound. When you are in a cut cycle, obviously you always want to have a testosterone base. So the easiest thing to stack an Epiandro with is a 1-ANDRO. One testosterone, one AD or chosen one. That's going to be your test base. That's going to help with the lean muscle mass, the strength, again, leaning out, but you want to throw in an Epiandro because that's what's really going to reduce the water retention. It's going to build lean muscle, but that's going to really help you get that lean veiny chiseled physique that you're looking for.

So three main products. We have the Winstrol, we have the dimmethazine and the SuperStrol. They're all Epiandros. They're all slightly a little bit different in their own, but Winstrol is taken three times per day. That is because the ester that's in there is quicker acting, so it's going to hit you a lot faster. So this is actually my favorite Epiandro compound I think. I haven't taken the Superdrol. I've taken both the dimethazine and the the Winstrol, and I definitely feel this one a lot faster, because again, that's why you take it three times per day. Once you take it's hitting you and basically giving you a lot good burst of energy right away. So that's definitely my favorite one.

We have the dimmethazine, which is a lot higher of a dose of the Epiandro, but that's because it's a slower ester form. You get 250 milligrams. This one actually is a six-week supply. I don't know why they did that.


It's kind of strange. Yeah.


It's strange. It kind of throws everything off on your playing your cycle.


So it's a 90 count, you think you do three a day, which you only do two day.


Yes. Don't do three per day. Three per day is a lot, but definitely, yeah, two per day is 250 milligrams of another Epiandro. So I mean, you say again, both of these either go with you one Epiandro, one ADE, one testosterone, and then you have Blackstone Lab SuperStrol. So this one right here actually supplies a hundred milligrams of the Epiandro.

So again, one thing I will mention with Epiandros is because it is a dry compound, it does dry your joints.


It does.


As well.




So I would look into, especially if you're prone to having joint related issues, look into something like a joint RX, a pain RX,


Super CSIS.


Super CSIS, turmeric, anything to help with the inflammation and just lubricating the joints, just getting them healthier. It's not going to happen to everyone. I mean, I take an Epiandro and I really don't have that much of a joint pain, but we have had people say, my joints are hurting. I've been taking Winstrol for four to six weeks. I would recommend something that's going to help lubricate those joints and really get them healthier.


Do not take it with [inaudible 00:03:26] acid because that would just... We got to to a video on that still.


Oh yeah?


Yes, that would be brutal. Lean, yes. But yeah, this again, guys, Epiandro, if you're looking to cut or lean out, get that really dry look that we're all trying to get during the summer an Epiandro is definitely the compound to purchase, and I would stress that you stack it with, as Jordan mentioned, like a one testosterone, a 1-ANDRO product for optimal results that's going to get you that physique that you desire.

So that's everything that covers the Epiandro. If you do have any questions about these products or Epiandro in general, post them down below. Jordan, John and I are always here to answer questions for you. If you enjoy this video, please give us a thumbs up. And lastly, if you would like more videos like this on products that we review, hit that subscribe button and you'll be notified of every new video that we do. Thank you for watching guys.

Jun 27th 2024

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