
Hi Tech Pharmaceuticals MuscleVite Multivitamin

Video Transcription:


Hey guys, John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. Visit the website at

In today's video, we're going to be looking at Hi-Tech MuscleVite, and I'm surprised we haven't done a video on this one already. Hi-Tech has two multivitamins that are a little bit more focused towards active lifestyles and athletes in men, Testovite and MuscleVite.

So we did Testovite. You can check out that video, we'll link to it down below for you to see as well. That one's kind of got a slant towards optimizing testosterone levels, and this one's going to be geared towards athletes and building muscles. So kind along the lines of Animal Pak, the Allmax One, some of these kind of muscle building types.


Yeah, exactly. So we know you love your Flintstone Vitamins. We understand you like to chew the vitamins, but you're an athlete now, so you need to step it up on the types of vitamins you're getting. And MuscleVite is a great choice. I usually jump, if I'm doing a pro-hormone cycle, I usually take MuscleVite. If I'm not doing it, I'll take something like Testovite stacked with Testosterone-XXI. So this one's just a great, it's better than anything you're going to find at your local Walgreens.

Again, if you're a bodybuilder, if you're an athlete, this gives you higher doses of the things that are going to work well for your body, whether it's muscle building, recovery, fat loss, testosterone, that kind of thing. So we're not going to go through all the ingredients.


Yeah, Dutch doesn't care about Vitamin, A, Vitamin, B, Vitamin C.


Yeah. We're going to go through some of the more important ones that have bigger doses that, are in MuscleVite that you wouldn't normally find in other vitamins.

So the big one being here that's surprising is the beta-alanine. So beta-alanine's in here. That's the thing that gives you the tingles a little bit. Normally found in powder form or on its own in a pill. But this gives you here, so that's going to help you bust out some extra reps during your workouts. It's going to buffer that lactic acid, so great for powerlifters or strength lifters. Great addition to that, to MuscleVite.


We got gram of carnitine, [inaudible 00:02:10] carnitine, and that along with the beta-alanine is for, again, energy levels. And then the carnitine also kind of helps with shuttling things we use as energy as opposed to stored as fat. So yeah, it's nice to use in a multivitamin.


Yeah, it's also, I like it for, it [inaudible 00:02:27] off muscle loss. So if you're dieting or something, it's good to get carnitine in your diet.

Another one here is boron. So boron of course supports not only bone health, but for males that want to take this, testosterone health. It's something we've talked about quite a bit for testosterone levels in the past.


I'm surprised how many test boosters don't have boron. We are starting to see more people put it in, but yeah, in the past I've bought like five or 10 milligram boron from Life Extension and stacked it with whatever test I'm taking.


Yeah, so you get it in here. Some other ingredients I like in here is zinc. You get 15 milligrams, which is usually higher than your normal vitamin. I take zinc every day. As you get older it's a great, is it called a vitamin, I guess?




Mineral, yes. Zinc is a mineral. It's just great for maximizing testosterone levels and balancing hormone levels out. So it's a great ingredient in here.

Other things, I mean you like magnesium, but I think you take that as a separate one.


Separate, yeah.


Yeah. But outside of that, I mean it's got just heavier doses of all the vitamins, biotin, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, selenium, copper, manganese, all that stuff that you want, plus some additional muscle building, hence the name MuscleVite.


Yes. If you're looking for something besides Flintstones or Centrum-




... this is a great option.


Yeah, so hope you enjoyed this video. If you have any questions about this product, please them post down below. John and I are always here to answer those questions. If you enjoyed this video, please give us a thumbs up.

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Aug 9th 2024

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