
Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals Andriol Frequently Asked Questions

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Hey guys, John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. You can check out the website at And today we're going to be talking about Andriol. This is Hi-Tech's newest pro-hormone. We've done a couple videos of this one in the past, but you had spoken to some of the guys over at Hi-Tech, got a little bit of clarification over the best uses, best practices for this one, how it differs from some of the other four Adriols. We're just going to clarify a little bit about Andriol, how and why to take it today.


Yeah, we keep getting questions, and I know some of the videos we did, we updated the videos.




But I had a chance to talk with Bruce over at Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals about some questions that you guys had on the Andriol.

So the Andriol, unlike the other pro-hormones, is better for long-term use. This one's more of a replacement, or if you're on low, if you've got low testosterone levels. And you're looking for something, you don't want to go talk to your doctor yet, maybe, this is a good option for you. This is going to help increase your testosterone levels for long periods of time. And that's why the other ones, where you take them for maybe two months, this one you can take six months a year just to keep those testosterone levels elevated.

I wouldn't recommend this if you're looking to get shredded or build as much muscle as possible.


You probably will put on some mass with this, right?


Oh, you definitely will, yes. Yeah. But this is more for the guys that have a lower testosterone levels.

In terms of the PCT, so there was some back and forth whether you need a PCT or whether you don't. Bruce did clarify that with all pro-hormones, you should take a PCT. And it seemed like 30 days was fine. So if you were on this for a year, just get that 30 day PCT to get your levels back to normal.

Another question, "What if you're stacking it with different things?" So we get a lot of, "I want to take one test along with Andriol," for example. You can take the one test for the standard two months, and continue with Andriol as long as you need to. During that time, as long as you're on that Andriol, no need for a PCT.




You don't have to worry about taking that one test and then taking the PCT afterwards. Just continue with that Andriol. Now, if you're doing one test Andriol two months apiece, then take that PCT after.




So yeah, so I think those are just common questions that we keep on getting, and keep them coming with those questions, we'll always ask Hi-Tech about best ways to take these products. But yeah, so if you got any other questions about Andriol, post them down below. I'll get them answered for you. But hopefully that clears up some of the confusion that's been out there lately, about how to take this product.

So otherwise, enjoy this video, please give us a thumbs up, and if you want more videos like this, hit that subscribe button. Thank you for watching.

Jul 11th 2024

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