Panda X V1 Nutra Pandamus Preworkout 3 Stim Levels Available
Video Transcription:
John:Hey, guys. John and Jeff here with Best Price Nutrition. Be sure to check out the website at We're excited about today's video. You guys have been huge fans of the Panda collaborations, BlackMarket Labs, Condemned Labz, another two or three on this. Merica Labz.
Jeff:Merica Labz, yep.
And this newest one is with V1 Nutra. What's really unique about this one is rather than just one option, they got three different levels. Choose your stim level. We got a non-stim, a moderate stim, and a high stim. And what I really love about this, a lot of times these premium pre-workout collaborations are 500 milligrams of caffeine. Crazy stim. We all know I'm a wimp. And so a lot of times, I miss out on these. But here, I could either go non-stim or a relatively moderate amount of stim. And also, I really like that this one does not contain beta alanine.
Yes, yes. I know you'd be happy about that. Actually, you know what? I think don't they all contain beta alanine?
Do they? Maybe I missed it. No, betaine.
No, no, beta alanine. That one doesn't contain-
Okay, so this one doesn't contain beta alanine.
Okay. So you stick to the non-stim. But if you like beta alanine like we all do, you can go with these two. But I think we were talking about it yesterday, which was nice that all three of these all had the 11,000 milligrams of L-citrulline.
Yeah, they didn't make it lighter on the other ones. I think that's the highest I've ever seen it. I think even some of the other premium pre-workouts, Pump Daddy, Gorilla Mind, they're 10 grams, 11 grams here.
Eleven grams.
I know you'll like... I don't think I've ever seen a dose of high, five grams of butaine.
That's a huge amount. Panda keeps coming out with these really strong ingredient profiles, and I think that's why people like them. And they're limited edition, so people want to get in on it. But they actually do come out with some great profiles.
And for any of you guys who do like these collabs, I believe we might have a tub or two of First Blood left, the one with Merica Labz. And we also have a bit of the Deception left, which was the Condemned Labz Panda.
Yep, exactly. So guys, we're going to talk maybe about some of these ingredients that are in here real quick, and then we'll give you a breakdown of the level. Of course, we talked about L-citrulline, 11,000 milligrams. This is based on the two scoop dose, guys. I think that's going to be most what you guys take. The L-citrulline, it's going to increase nitric oxide levels in the blood, so it's going to give you better pumps, it's going to give you better vascularity. It's in most pre-workouts, but you get 11,000 milligrams in here, which is a hefty dose. The butaine, which we just talked about, great for power, great for strength, and you're getting a huge dose, 5,000 milligrams. Also great for endurance. CrossFit athletes love this stuff. L-tyrosine, this is great for focus and cognitive function. You're getting 5,000 milligrams, which a huge dose of that as well.
Normally you get a gram, maybe two grams and a heavily dosed one.
Exactly. I'll let you take over your fave.
Okay. So we got beta alanine, we got five grams. Really high dose. Standard is about 3.2. You do see some special pre-workouts with double that, like 5,600, but very high dose of beta alanine. If you guys like the tingles, you're going to love this one. And beta alanine, as we know, is good for buffering lactic acid and improving endurance. We got a gram of agmatine, which supports nitric oxide production. Another one of my favorites. We got 600 milligrams of alpha-GPC. Great nootropic there. I guess we'll skip the caffeine because we're going to go through that on the others. We got 100 milligrams of mucuna pruriens, which contains L-dopa, which increases dopamine levels. You want to pick it up at the L-theanine?
The L-theanine, this is something you take at night.
I like that one. Yep.
Yes. If you get the jittery effects from caffeine, this is going to help mile it down a little bit. Dicaffeine malate, we'll talk about that coming up. Extended release caffeine, we'll talk about that coming up. Kanna extract, this is great. You don't see this in too many things.
You know what? That's one of my favorite ingredients. It tends to be in a lot of these premium pre-workouts. I know BZRK does it in theirs. It's actually been in a number of other Panda Pandemic, a couple inspired pre-workouts. Serious Nutrition Solutions has a standalone, but it's-
Yes, yes.
I saw doctors have actually promoted this as nature's MDMA and a healthy alternative to that. Be really good for boosting mood, motivation, positive sense of wellbeing, all that good stuff.
Relieve stress, all that kind of good... Synephrine, which I think we're going to talk about coming up because that's different for each product. And of course, the adaptogen, which increases nutrient absorption of all these products for you.
So we've got three levels of this Pandemic.... Pandemic. It's the Pandamus. So we're going to go through all three for you so you can choose the form that you want to go with. And level one, of course, is non-stimulant.
So it's going to be this one right there.
Yep, exactly. You're going to get the 11,000 milligrams of L-citrulline, 500 milligrams of L-tyrosine, 5,000 milligrams of L-tyrosine, 600 milligrams alpha-GPC, 32 milligrams of beta alanine, and the VasoDrive-AP, 508.
And one other thing, just so you guys don't get confused when ordering. We have all of these on one listing, so you're going to see two level one flavors, two level two flavors, and two level three flavors. Those flavors, blackberry cantaloupe, and I believe the other one's sour green apple bubble gum, even though we got all blackberry cantaloupes here.
And then we got the level two. The biggest jump in here is going to be the caffeine. So you're going to get 225 milligrams of caffeine and 75 milligrams of the extended release caffeine. So you're going to get a nice little boost of energy right away, and then you're going to get that extended so you stay energized throughout your workout. This one adds what the kanna extract, I think is the big one outside of the caffeine.
Correct. Yep.
And then we got the heavy hitter. This is the level three. So what we got in the level three?
We've got 350 milligrams of the caffeine anhydrous and another 100 milligrams of dicaffeine malate, as well as 75 milligrams of the branded zumXR extended release caffeine. So all in all, that's 450, 525.
Yes. And I think it adds some synephrine as well in that one. So definitely that is a heavy hitter.
Pretty strong. Yeah.
Yeah. So again, if you just want something for the pumps, some natural energy, some focus, go for the non-stim. Would you do this one?
I would do this, yeah. I would say this is enough to be... As long as you're not a stimhead, this is a good amount of caffeine, but it's also low enough that somebody like me who doesn't love a ton of stims can still take it.
I'd probably go with level three, but maybe start with one scoop. I do like more caffeine, but that's got a lot. That's a lot of caffeine, so I'd probably start with one scoop of this. But hey, you can test it out, try which one you like. I think we've already sold quite a bit of these. Is this one that's selling?
It just went live within the past 12 or 15 hours and it's already flying.
And this is a limited edition, so once it's gone, it's gone. So if you want to get your hands on this, not only is it around now, but we got the 20% off sale going.
Yes, exactly. So guys, if you want to try Pandamus, go to If you got any questions about this product or the different levels, post it down below. John and I are always here to answer those questions. Also, if you want more videos like this, hit that subscribe button and you'll be notified every new video review we do. Thanks for watching.
†The content of this blog post is intended solely for reference and entertainment purposes. We do not offer medical advice or specific guidance regarding the products discussed. Our insights are based on a combination of anecdotal experiences, online studies/reviews, manufacturer details, and customer feedback. While we strive to present accurate and current information, we cannot assure its completeness or its alignment with the most recent product formulations or data. For any concerns or up-to-date information, we recommend visiting the manufacturer's website directly. The opinions and information provided here do not necessarily reflect the views of Best Price Nutrition; they represent the perspectives and information from the manufacturers and users. Furthermore, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.
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