
Rule1 Bringing an All New Budget Friendly Preworkout Called "Roar"

Rule1 Bringing an All New Budget Friendly Preworkout Called "Roar"

In recent months and recent years we've seen the cost of supplements rising, and not only that, we've seen more brands venturing into the category of "Premium Preworkouts" packed full of high dosages of Premium branded ingredients. But with inflation eating away at all of us, a more recent trend we've seen is brands rolling out more budget friendly preworkouts that won't break the bank. Most recently CBUM and RAW Nutrition rolled out the CBUM Essential Preworkout which has a solid formula, decent dosages, and retails for under $30.

Well our friends over at Rule1 have just revealed an all new budget friendly preworkout called Roar The Ferocious Preworkout. Taking a look at the formula below, Roar contains 2 grams of Citrulline, 1.2 grams of Carnosyn branded Beta Alanine, a gram of Creatine, 500mg Arginine, an electrolyte mix, and a moderate 175mg of caffeine. In addition to filling a niche for a budget friendly preworkout, Roar also fills the niche of being a lower stim and low caffeine preworkout. We often get customers calling us or coming into our retail stores looking for a preworkout that's not necessarily stim free, but also not something packing 350mg plus of caffeine, and there's very few preworkouts on the market that fit that bill. While some users may find the formula to be a bit underdosed, it's a great fit for budget friendly users as well as those like myself who are looking for a preworkout that's a big more than an energized amino like Amino Energy, but who don't need a ton of stims, nootropics or pump ingredients in their preworkout. 

Rule1's all new Roar will be dropping June 5th and will roll out in five flavors including Wild Grape, Peach Mango, Lemon Lime, Blue Razz and Fruit Punch. 

Jun 2nd 2023 John Frigo
John Frigo
John has been helping people in the fitness and nutrition industry for over 10 years. He is an avid biker, hiker and fitness enthusiast. Most notably, you can find him on Youtube instructing viewers about the newest products to hit the supplement industry.
John Frigo

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