What To Stack With Hi-Tech 1-Testosterone
Video Transcription:
Hey guys, this is Jordan and Jeff from BestPriceNutrition.com. We had a lot of questions lately, and we were asked to do a video of the different prohormones that we'd recommend stacking with 1-Testosterone. It's early summer here in Chicago, and a lot of people are cutting and they want to know what should I stack for to get nice and cut, to get lean and still build some lean muscle mass on top of that. So we wanted to put together our four favorite prohormones to talk about stacking with 1-Testosterone. Got Jordan here. He's done a lot of the prohormone live shows with us, which we have to do one again soon.
Jordan:Yeah, we're due for one.
Yes, but we're going to talk about some of these and go through them. But I'm going to talk about my favorite first, I guess, and that is stacking 1-Testosterone with Winstrol. Winstrol is an epi-andro, and the thing I like about Winstrol is I get really dry from Winstrol. Sometimes it's hard on the joints, but you do get that dry lean look, and I get pretty strong off it, stacking these two together. And the other one is Dymethazine, which we'll talk about. What's the main differences between Winstrol and Dymethazine?
It's kind of the form of the epi-andro in there. So the Winstrol is a very fast-acting form of the epi-andro, which is why you have to take it three times per day as opposed to the Dymethazine, which is a slower, where you take it two times per day. Based off the feedback, customer feedback, personal experience, Winstrol has always been the fan favorite from everybody. But they are both epi-andros, so they're both leaning agents. When obviously you talk about joints, it is going to reduce the water retention in your body. So not only from body fat and everything, it's going to reduce the water in your joints as well, which is why you get that dry possible achy feeling within your joints when you are taking something like an epi-andro. But personal preference, I like the Winstrol. I think the Winstrol is the stronger one when it comes to results-wise, but still, I mean, they're both great options.
Yeah, so if you've taken these two together, you want to try 1-Testosterone and Dymethazine together, definitely do it. But if you're new, I would definitely take the 1-Testosterone and the Winstrol together. Next would be the Trenabol. So why would somebody want to take Trenabol and 1-Testosterone together?
So Trenabol is a form of the 19-nandrolone, but it's the undecanoate version, I believe is what it is, which essentially means it is the fastest, or it's actually, correct myself, it's the fastest acting form. So it's actually... It's weird because I don't normally consider the 19s a cutting. I look at them more of a leaning prohormone, a lean muscle gainer. So I don't see this as really reducing water retention within the body as opposed to an epi-andro. I see this as more of a lean muscle builder. So that's why, I mean, if you're going to take the 1-test with the Trenabol and you wanting to cut, I would probably throw in something also like the Winstrol or the Dymethazine to get a little extra boost of reducing water retention drying out.
Winstrol, Trenabol.
You could even take all three together because they're all different compounds. It's not like you're stacking one of the same compound on top of each other.
Then it does give you the 6-oxo as well. [inaudible 00:03:25]
Yeah. It definitely can. It's a natural anabolic too.
Okay. And lastly, again, you could stack 1-Testosterone with a ton of things. These are just some of our favorites. If someone's trying to cut and they're trying to get lean, but they want maybe some more drier gains, maybe not that total shred. Normally what I recommend is Deca-Durabolin. What are your thoughts on stacking Deca-Durabolin?
I think it's wonderful. I think if you're going to stack something with the one andro, or just 1-test, [inaudible 00:03:53], 1 in general, any 19, especially the Deca-Durabolin is probably the best one for a good lean muscle stack. Just because it's the highest dose of the 19-nor product. It's 200 milligrams per tablet, which is why I only take once per day along with it. So it's really going to help put on some lean, good, strong muscle mass, help with strength as well. Not so much reducing water retention, but any less... If you're already lean and you want to put on a little bit of size, kind of a lean muscle gain, that'd be a really good stack.
And this isn't wet, wouldn't be considered a wet compound.
It is not a wet compound at all. No. So you don't have to worry about any Aromasin-
I don't think any of these you would need Aromasin.
No. There's no estrogen conversion with any of them. The only time you need an AI is when it comes to a 4-andro. So Superdrol, Helladrol, Sustanon, anything with a four, we would recommend something like an AI like Aromasin.
Okay. And all these, we'd recommend that you guys take them for eight weeks. Usually it's two bottles of each that you would need. And then once you're completed with that cycle, always jump on that Arimiplex or that PCT, something that we've also been pushing lately. If you want to even boost your testosterone levels even more after your cycle add Testosterone 21, and if you want those lean muscle gains to continue, once you start that PCT, take Turkesterone. Yeah, that's a great... And you can take Turkesterone longer than your PCT. I always take Turk between my cycles. It works perfectly.
But yeah, so hopefully that answers your question. I don't remember the viewer that asked that. But if you do have questions about what we talked about or other ideas for cycles that you have and you want to cut, please post them down below. John and I are always here to answer those questions. If you enjoy this video, please give us a thumbs up. And lastly, if you want more videos on prohormones and that kind of thing, hit that subscribe button and you'll be notified every time that we do a new video. Thanks for watching.
†The content of this blog post is intended solely for reference and entertainment purposes. We do not offer medical advice or specific guidance regarding the products discussed. Our insights are based on a combination of anecdotal experiences, online studies/reviews, manufacturer details, and customer feedback. While we strive to present accurate and current information, we cannot assure its completeness or its alignment with the most recent product formulations or data. For any concerns or up-to-date information, we recommend visiting the manufacturer's website directly. The opinions and information provided here do not necessarily reflect the views of Best Price Nutrition; they represent the perspectives and information from the manufacturers and users. Furthermore, these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or illness.
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