
New Chapter

New Chapter vitamin, mineral and herbal supplements are derived from a whole-food complex, why is this important? Whole Food derived vitamins are something your body easily recognizes and absorbs; made by nature, not scientists. Sourced from nature’s bounty of organic fruits, vegetables, herbs and superfoods and cultured in probiotics to deliver the full spectrum of Nature’s benefits. Because the whole truth about most of the conventional vitamins, minerals and supplements on the shelves is that the vast majority are cheap synthetic chemical isolates. Our bodies understand and seek nourishment from whole food. Synthetic chemical isolated forms of nutrients lack a complete spectrum of Nature’s benefits and, honestly, we prefer the genuine source to a synthetic version of the source. Who wouldn’t? Because New Chapter’s vitamins, minerals and herbs are a whole-food complex, they’re gentle on your stomach. So gentle that you can even take them on an empty stomach. In fact, we don’t even consider them food supplements, They’re supplemental food.

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