
EAS MyoPlex Muscle Armor Coming Soon

EAS MyoPlex Muscle Armor Coming Soon
EAS MyoPlex Muscle Armor

Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals has just revealed their bringing back the old school favorite EAS MyoPlex Muscle Armor, and it will be returning soon! If you've been into working out and supplementation for a while you no doubt remember the EAS line of supplements that was popular back in the day, most notably their MyoPlex Protein Powder. In recent months Hi-Tech has brought back the EAS line beginning with HMB and Glutamine supplements and more recently the MyoPlex Protein packets. Within the past few days MyoPlex Muscle Armor appeared on the Hi-Tech website stating it was "coming Soon". 

For those not familiar with MyoPlex Muscle Armor it's a post training recovery supplement which aims to increase strength, reduce muscle soreness, and help with gaining lean muscle mass. While were not sure if they'll be keeping the original formula from back in the day, but if so you can expect 7 grams of Arginine, 7 grams of Glutamine, 1.5 grams of Calcium HMB and 3 grams of Taurine. 

Back in the day this was an amazing formula, all of the ingredients are proven to aid in muscle repair and prevention of muscle breakdown and it always had a noticeable effect on keeping post workout soreness at bay. No word yet on when this is going to be re-released, but we're excited to see it's coming back!

MyoPlex Muscle Armor Ingredients
Old Version of EAS MyoPlex Muscle Armor
May 20th 2023

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