
New Pistachio Flavored Built Bar

New Pistachio Flavored Built Bar
Pistachio Built Bar

When we first brought in Built Bars a year or two ago they quickly became a hit both around the office, and among our customers and for a period of time they were impossible to keep in stock. Built Bars are a truly unique protein bar, they're incredibly lean compared to most other bars on the market and they have a texture and consistency like no other bar I've ever tried. They also tend to roll out a ton of new flavors, some Seasonal or Limited Edition flavors and other permanent flavors. 

Well Built Bar recently announced an all new Limited Edition Pistachio flavored Built Bar which is sure to be a hit among those like myself who enjoy Pistachio Nuts and of course Pistachio Ice Cream. The all new Pistachio Built Bar will pack a lean 160 calories, 5 grams of fat, 18 grams of carbs, 6 grams of fiber, and 17 grams of protein.

These just dropped on the Built Bar online website, we're hoping we'll be able to get a few boxes in here for you all to try, and if we're lucky and people wind up liking this new flavor, we wouldn't be surprised to see this added as a permanent flavor offering. If Pistachio isn't your jam checkout our huge collection of over 20 flavors of Built Bars running the gammit from Mint Chocolate to Cookies and Cream, Cherry Barcia and more. 

Built Bar 18/Box


Built Bar has just rolled out an all new Limited Edition Pistachio flavored Built Bar!

May 20th 2023

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